Thursday, 21 June 2018

Create Dynamic User Interaction-Based Presentation with IntuiFace’s Multi Screen Presentation Software

Dynamic, user interaction-based presentations are the gold standard for modern displays. Fortunately, electronic communication tools that make this kind of interactivity are now widely available, along with multi-screen presentation software programs and applications that make content creation easier and more accessible even to non-technical users. IntuiFace is one of the best dynamic presentation tools in the market, providing users an efficient means for creating and sharing interactive, connected, and extremely expressive digital presentations in a no-code authoring and content management environment.

Imagine designing and creating interaction-based presentations without writing a single line of code—this is exactly the kind of freedom that IntuiFace offers, not to mention the ability to build sophisticated and highly engaging interactive digital experiences from your existing library of branded digital assets. Nowadays, it is no longer a question of whether you need digital interactivity in your strategy. It is a matter of finding the best means to integrate it with your existing toolsets. However, justifying investments in solutions that require niche training and technical expertise is becoming harder, especially with increasing business expenses forcing business owners to cut costs whenever and wherever they can.

With solutions like IntuiFace, you cut the cost of niche training while still getting the benefits of dynamic user-interactive presentations and experiences through an easy-to-use and less technically demanding platform. Investing in dynamic user interaction-based tools like IntuiFace means never depending on a core team of trained experts to do the job for you, as the platform allows for very simple steps towards creating dynamic and interactive presentations. IntuiFace is a world class platform that allows you to create deeply interactive and cutting-edge business presentations that offer dynamic and interactive qualities that audiences will find hard to forget. Presentations created from this platform can be deployed on all kinds of interactive touch screen devices ranging from mobile gadgets to external input devices, and larger than life multi-touch displays.

Build Gorgeous and Highly Functional Presentations for iPad through Kiosk Software of IntuiLab

The iPad’s new crystal-clear Retina display and compact, travel-friendly size makes it an incredible mobile sales tool. The third-generation tablet’s high-resolution screen makes presentations pop, allowing users to deliver highly engaging and dynamic business presentations and sales pitches that work wonders in attracting new clients and prospects.

One of the most important things you should invest in to maximize the use of your mobile presentation hardware is a powerful software for developing and distributing content. IntuiLab is one of the pioneers for modern multi-touch interface platforms, offering one of the today’s leading Kiosk software programs for building, deploying, managing, and measuring digital experiences in the form of IntuiFace. This advanced platform offers the ease of use of your typical slideshow presentation program and the power of flash, so you can create interactive experiences without writing a single line of code.

In addition to finding the right tools for the creation, deployment, and management of highly functional iPad presentations, here are other tips you should remember when using Kiosk software for iPad experiences:

·         Play to the strength of the device – Keep your presentations simple and easy to read. For images, text, and similar types of content, bigger is often better for getting your message across on the relatively small iPad screen. If you must include detailed slides, consider allowing your audience to pass the device around so the rest of your audience can take a closer look at what you are pointing to.

·         Consider a projector or a larger display when presenting to larger groups – iPads are handy for one-to-one demos and discussions. However, if you have a larger audience, consider using a larger screen, while using your iPad as a remote interface for controlling what goes on in the projection or the larger screen.

·         Go interactive – Adding an interactive element to your presentation is always a good idea, especially in this day and age when people crave engaging experiences.

Amaze Your Clients with Interactive Windows Presentation Prepared with Kiosk Software of IntuiFace

Corporate presentations are notorious for being painfully boring, especially when it is an endless list of numbers being flashed on screen. This is why a lot of people dread sitting through board meetings, more so, giving such mind-numbing talks. However, experienced presenters believe that there are really no boring subjects—just disinterested minds. Needless to say, you only need to hook people in and get them interested to make seemingly boring topics more engaging. Even when you need to talk about topics that are not perceived to be as fun or hot as other topics or those that seem flat and tedious, it is possible to make them interesting with the right approach.

By taking a more innovative path towards creating your presentation, you can turn just about any boring topic into a phenomenal presentation. Migrating into a more interactive platform for presentation will inject life into your boring spreadsheets and uninteresting bullet points. IntuiFace is so much more than an interactive windows kiosk software. It is also an incredible tool for creating interactive Windows presentations that turn slideshows into more engaging interactive displays that people are more willing to sit through.

With IntuiFace, it is easy to make more visually appealing presentations using the materials and design elements that reflect your business’ and brand’s identity, allowing you to provide audiences not only with a dynamic and interactive experience, but one that is customized to your needs. Not only is IntuiFace a powerful presentation design platform, it is likewise an excellent content management solution that allows you to share and publish your presentations for easy access by authorized users. Presentation design is a critical aspect of creating engaging presentations that help you make sure that messages are getting across your intended audiences in an effective manner. IntuiFace allows you to create sophisticated presentations without the overly complex technicalities of design.