Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Get Interactive Experience in Your Business through Digital Signage Kiosk Software from IntuiLab

Digital signage kiosks and multi-touch display interfaces are everywhere, and they are significantly changing the way consumers interact with the businesses. The continuous growth of digital kiosk technology has given rise to its widespread adoption in business environments, especially in retail stores and service centers where there is a constant stream of potential customers waiting to be engaged. Now that consumers are demanding more interaction, businesses should seriously consider getting on board the digital signage trend or risk getting left behind by their competition. 

One of the main obstacles preventing businesses from fully committing to a digital signage infrastructure investment has always been the cost to develop content for the platform. Fortunately, today, there are tools that enable users to design, create, and deploy interactive digital content, applications, and experiences without the need to write code. IntuiLab is a pioneering company for these kinds of software solutions. Its flagship product, IntuiFace provide businesses with a user-friendly and highly intuitive platform where you can create impressive digital experiences and interactive content with your native and brand specific digital assets, and all without having to worry about complex coding. This means significantly reduced expense from having to on board an expert or training in-house teams to develop interactive presentations and digital applications. 

Digital kiosks software can be great assets to your business. It cuts the cost of traditional advertising and channels your resources to more efficient and relevant means of communication to audiences. Digital signage displays are significantly more effective as they have the ability to grab people’s attention and keep them engaged more deeply than print or any other form of advertising can. Digital signage systems are also easier to manage when it comes to content deployment as businesses and equipment owners can easily control the content being displayed through a comprehensive console. This means timely and relevant messaging, especially when you have special offers to announce across your business locations.

Get High Performance and Easy to Install Digital Signage for Chrome Offered by IntuiLab

IntuiLab bridges the gap between businesses that don’t have technical expertise or the resources for expensive professional interactive app development services. And, also for customer satisfaction through impressive and highly functional interactive digital experiences. With IntuiFace, businesses can now maximize the use of their digital signage infrastructure and provide their customers with digital experiences that set their brand apart from like businesses. The best thing about this platform is its versatility, providing extensive compatibility to some of the most popular and widely used digital signage systems in the market today. Chrome OS for one, is a low-cost, high-performance, easy to use, install, and maintain digital signage system that you can use in conjunction with IntuiFace for deploying interactive digital experiences for your customers.

A premier platform for designing, creating, distributing, and measuring interactive digital signage experiences, IntuiFace offers digital signage for Chrome OS support, thus enabling you to build gorgeous, intuitive, and highly functional digital experiences and applications that your audiences and consumers can interact with. Installing IntuiFace Player on your Google Chrome device is as easy as adding it to your Kiosk or device applications and saving your changes. If you have an experience using player on other platforms, adapting to IntuiFace on Chrome will be easy as the user experience is identical to iOS, Windows, and Android.

Chrome OS Player is readily available for Chrome OS devices including Chromebooks (laptops that are ideal for use by students and sales force members), Chromeboxes (cost-efficient interactive digital signage infrastructure devices with large touch displays), and Chromebase devices (all in one devices that can be used as interactive kiosks). With support for all these devices, options for digital signage deployment are virtually endless when you invest in IntuiFace for Chrome OS. Chrome OS Player is also readily available for download in the Chrome Web Store for installation and launch in the above-mentioned Chrome OS devices.

Attract More Customers with the Use of Sales Pitch Presentation of IntuiFace

Sales pitches and business presentations are all about making the right impression. In the dog eat dog world of business, it is critical that you leave lasting and favorable impressions on potential clients and business partners. If not so, you’ll keep losing them to your competitors. Now that people almost instantly doze off at the sight of a slideshow—and it doesn’t matter if yours has all the bells and whistles of a multimedia presentation. All matters are, how do you make your sales pitch more attractive and engaging to your target audiences? And, the answer is IntuiFace.

IntuiFace is far from your typical slide show software. In fact, it can do much more than help you need to put together for a well-illustrated sales pitch. What this tool does is transform simple presentations into spectacular interactive digital experiences that ensure deep engagement and in turn, a lasting impression on your audience. With IntuiFace, you can design and build visually appealing and functional applications that audiences can view and interact with using different display options, from mobile devices to touch displays, and all sorts of supported screens.

Another great thing about this sales pitch presentation software is that it can be used to create an entire library of your existing digital assets. Hence, you can use all your data and branded content in your presentations without having to convert them into usable formats. It offers support for images, videos, audio files, 3D models, documents, and other digital material so you can create fully interactive presentations and experiences using your existing content. If you want a way to thrill your clients, wow your prospect business partners, and intimidate your fiercest competition in business, IntuiFace is worth looking into. With its HTML5 support, you are also guaranteed that your presentations and digital experiences are future proof.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

How Digital Signage for Schools are Helpful in Improving Education Engagement

The continuous growth of digital media culture is forcing businesses, organizations, and educational institutions to embrace technology in order to keep in touch with audiences that are becoming increasingly reliant on digital technology and quite averse to traditional media as well as older methods of information dissemination. The use of digital signage is especially widespread across the education and learning sector. Its increasing popularity in schools and universities makes the education sector one of the top fastest markets when it comes to digital signage network implementation.

Today’s generation is digital native, meaning they never spent a day without using digital technology. Technology’s grip on today’s audience is so strong that the digital generation is constantly bombarded with digital input and information. This is why adopting digital signs within your educational institution is something that you should seriously consider, or you risk being left behind by your competition in terms of effective communication and increased education engagement. Without digital signage, you risk losing touch with today’s constantly evolving and increasingly demanding audience.

Embracing digital signage isn’t only a matter of purchasing new technology. It is also knowing how to use such technology more effectively. Digital signage creates not only a more modern learning environment for students, but more importantly, it serves as a stimulating platform through which students can be more engaged and therefore, be more involved in the learning process. This not only helps them focus more on the things being discussed, but also to retain more information as they experience learning in a more interactive and stimulating level. Digital signs help enhance the learning experience for students and at the same time helps cut costs and overheads by reducing the need for traditional printed media. Over the life cycle of even a single digital signage unit, your organization stands to save thousands on traditional media supplies, thus making it a worthwhile investment.

Design and Build Highly Functional Applications with Digital Signage App from IntuiLab

Digital signage solutions are all the rage these days. They are most widely used in retail and business settings, although applications go far beyond different industries. Digital signs can be installed in virtually any location and public venue, ranging from restaurants to retail stores, healthcare facilities, museums, schools and universities, hotels, and even corporate campuses. Early adopters are reaping the many great benefits of using interactive digital signs in their overall strategy, however, many still have reservations about their use, thinking that the cost to run and maintain such technology is high. With the help of digital signage apps such as those offered by Intuilab, you eliminate the high cost of technical training or expert on-boarding, allowing you to maximize the benefits of these interactive solutions without the added expense. 

With Intuilab’s digital signage and interactive multimedia presentation software, you get to create, design, and build highly functional applications without complex coding. Anyone with rudimentary knowledge of traditional slideshow applications will be able to create impressive and professional looking applications and interactive experiences for any target audience, thanks to the program’s user-friendly design and intuitive interface.

With today’s increasingly competitive retail climate, you need to stay ahead of the game and gain edge over your competition to maintain growth and progress. Digital signage software will help you attract more customers and potential customers through higher impact advertisements, more relevant promotions, and immersive, brand-centric experiences. Not only do digital signs help attract customers, they also help turn them into deeply engaged, captive audiences that are more likely to spend more time (and money) on your retail shop. Another great thing about modern interactive digital signage apps is that they allow for more personalized and targeted experiences for customers by means of digital integration with your POS, loyalty programs, etc., thus helping you serve up the right content at the right time.

Add Interactivity to Your Presentations with Sales Pitch Presentation Software IntuiFace

Crafting an effective sales pitch is something of an art form mixed with a little science. People and listeners are suckers for good storytelling. A good story helps them understand your value proposition and how it can mesh with their current needs or enhance their business and way of life. How you tell your story can also make or break your chances of hitting the ball out of the park.

Your sales presentation is a crucial part of any sales venture. While making your value proposition through initial phone or email conversations allows you to get different concerns and queries out of the way, your sales pitch is your best chance at laying your cards on the table and showcasing or demonstrating exactly why your prospects should buy into your proposition. One of the main requirements of a stellar sales pitch presentation is a stunning visual aid that will help you communicate your message effectively.

While classic slideshows have always been the go-to tool for many business owners/VC hopefuls, modern audiences demand for so much more than image and text slides, embellished by graphs and typical media. Nowadays, audiences crave interactivity—the kind where design and technology collide to create relevant and memorable experiences that will convince them to buy into what you are saying or selling.

IntuiFace makes for an exceptional alternative to your typical slideshow or multimedia presentation program. This highly intuitive digital experience platform features an entire suite of tools and capabilities that enable users to create interactive digital experiences, including highly engaging presentations and sales pitches to help you make a stronger case for your new business’ or product’s value proposition. IntuiFace is one of the world’s most sought after interactive digital platforms well known for its ability to create completely interactive multimedia presentations without writing any code.

How Dynamic Presentation Software of IntuiLab is the Latest in Fashion Retail Store

Touch screen devices are everywhere—from retail kiosks to your consumers’ very pockets. With more and more people becoming reliant on technology, it is not surprising how touchscreen interaction has become the way of life for many. Forward thinking businesses find great use for touch screens, not only as wayfinding devices but also as a means of enhancing in-store customer experience. The addition of touch screen kiosks and devices to retail stores take advantage of the need tech savvy shoppers have for interaction. It is through interactive digital devices and signs that people get more fun and engage, hence memorable experiences in store.

Fashion retailers can make use of interactive technology not only to guide customers through their purchase journey, but also to create a more deeply engaging experience for shoppers. IntuiLab’s proprietary digital interactive presentation software offers dynamic features and capabilities that can help you enhance in-store digital sales experiences. It is through these tools that you can provide shoppers with a more intimate and personalized shopping experience that will not only help make their purchase journey more convenient, but make them more receptive to promotional messages and other sorts of information you want to impart. Keeping your customers’ shopping experience interactive, informative, and entertaining, will make them stay much longer in your establishment, thus increasing chances of conversion.

Interactive digital experiences are effective tools for promoting all kinds of marketing messages, along with loyalty and discount programs, new products and services. Interactive screens that feature attractive graphics and engaging interactions make in-store experiences something consumers can look forward to as they add interest to every store visit. Digital interactive displays made using dynamic presentation software have the power to entertain, inform, and engage audiences in a way that traditional, static displays can never provide. These types of technologies may well be the answer to your plateauing sales.

Get an Effective Sales Pitch Presentation Offered by IntuiLab

There’s great power in making your sales pitch presentations interactive. This is why no salesperson’s armory or toolbelt should be complete without an effective interactive digital presentation software. IntuiLab is the leading provider of the world’s premier interactive presentation software program, IntuiFace, which gives you the advantage of creating and deploying highly interactive, accessible, and measurable digital presentations without coding expertise. The program offers a complete solution for organizing and enhancing sales pitch presentations in a way that increases your chances of success.

An interactive presentation allows you to navigate your sales pitch in a way that will engage your audience and entice them to buy into what you are promoting. It can help you bring focus on specific areas of interest to viewers, thus helping you tailor your presentation to the needs of each audience you are making the pitch for. Every client is different, and having the ability to keep your presentation relevant without having to change all your sales pitch content right before every meeting is an incredible advantage.

With the right interactive sales pitch presentation solution, you have the ability to incorporate interactive elements into your presentations, thus allowing you to improve engagement. With interactive presentations becoming the standard in business, it is vital that you adopt these kinds of solutions early on so you can be ahead of your competition when it comes to engagement. Interactive presentations are valuable assets to businesses, especially when it comes to creating product and service pitches. With the increasing use of mobile technology and touch screen devices, interactive presentations are only expected to become more popular as a means of promoting concepts and ideas. Creating audience experiences that are tailored to their needs and cater to their need for interaction and engagement is the way to more effective sales pitches.

Benefits of Touch Screen Digital Signage Software IntuiFace for Education

Touch screen digital signage solutions offer a wide variety of use across all verticals. In addition to businesses and organizations, digital signs also find great use and purpose in education. With the help of touch screen digital signage software solutions like IntuiFace, educators and instructors have the ability to create visually stimulating and highly engaging presentations and educational content to help students become more invested in learning. Learners tend to pay more attention and are able to recall more information when there is higher level of engagement. IntuiFace allows you to create educational presentations in a way that helps keep learners’ attention, while promoting concepts and ideas in a more engaged fashion.

Digital touch screens also add interactivity into the learning formula, which further enhances student involvement. When learners interact, they have greater ability to retain information. Screen interaction also helps keep their attention, which can be extremely challenging in this day and age of shorter attention spans and stimulating distractions. Digital signs not only create more interesting visual presentations, but also promote digital interactive experiences that help create a more immersive learning environment in class.

Whether you are looking for an effective teaching aid, digital announcement board, wayfinding solution, or an immersive tool for presenting curated exhibits or some other form of guided presentation, interactive touch screen digital signage software solutions like IntuiFace offers a convenient yet highly efficient way to render your presentations interactive. What’s even more advantageous is that IntuiFace allows for the use of existing documents, graphic elements, and files in their current format so you don’t have to spend more time recreating material just so you can integrate them into your presentation. Customize experiences with the help of a rich template library or create your presentations from scratch—IntuiFace makes creating and deploying interactive experiences as easy as dragging and dropping elements into a slide show.

Get IntuiLab’s Multi-Touch Screen Software for Interactive Digital Signage

With modern audiences always looking for engagement, it is not surprising why interactive digital signs are such sought after tools in business and public environments. The digital screen has become a familiar, highly efficient medium for audiences. What started as static display now has the ability and power to draw people in and provide them with memorable experiences that enhance their customer journey. In the past, creating content for multi-touch displays meant a huge investment in equipment, software, and personnel training. Today, however, multi-touch screen software solutions make it easier for users and business owners to maximize the use of their interactive displays without the high cost of content creation. IntuiLab is a pioneering company known for bringing one of the world’s best premier multi-touch screen software programs, designed to streamline and simplify content creation for interactive digital signs.

With IntuiLab’s IntuiFace software, you can create, deploy, and run interactive digital content on virtually any device, allowing you to create uniform experiences across various platforms to make sure all consumers are getting the same level and quality of service however they may choose to interact with your business.

Digital signs help increase audience engagement, while giving you complete control of what you want them to see and experience. At the same time, you also put your audiences in the driver’s seat as they navigate their way through the digital experience you have created for them. An interactive digital display is an excellent tool for empowering people to engage with your business, learn about your services, and explore what you have to offer in an entertaining, rewarding, and meaningful manner. This strengthens customer loyalty, while increasing interest and encouraging further engagement, and even greater sales as they go deeper into the interactive experience. This is the kind of power your business has with innovative tools like IntuiFace.

Develop an Amazing Multi-Touch Experience for Real Estate Sales and Marketing with IntuiLab

Visual communication is a powerful tool when it comes to enhancing and transforming customer experiences, this is especially true in the field of real estate. Add interactivity into the mix, and you have an unbeatable means of communicating messages and encouraging sales through creative marketing. IntuiLab’s interactive multi-touch display technology has been transforming retail experiences across all kinds of markets. Their flagship program, IntuiFace is designed to help businesses create interactive digital experiences like no other. The same program even offers targeted features that focus on real estate sales and marketing, helping realtors, agents, and real estate professionals maximize the use of their interactive screens in promoting services and marketing their business—all without the need for any coding knowledge.

IntuiLab offers a cutting-edge platform specifically designed for realtors, brokers, builders, property managers, architects, and every other real estate professional wishing to accelerate sales with the help of highly engaging digital experiences that maximize the use of their very own digitized content. IntuiFace streamlines interactive digital content creation by providing user-friendly tools and a highly intuitive project dash-board that can be used by anyone with a basic knowledge of creating slideshow presentations. This gives your in-house creatives the ability to create cutting-edge presentations and digital experiences without having to learn or use code. 

The user-friendly touchscreen software is packed full with features and libraries, including pre-built templates, educational videos, and usable articles that you can experiment with as you develop content for real estate marketing. What’s more is that IntuiLab maintains an active user community, backed by excellent technical support, which allows you to create projects like a pro, be it a simple multi-touch listing or a property or design showcase, virtual tour, smart home demonstration, or any other type of presentation you may need to make to increase your bottom line.

Best Multi-Media Presentation Software in 2017: IntuiLab

Presentation packages have been around for decades and Microsoft’s PowerPoint presentation software has been one of the most widely used systems the world over, thanks to its undisputed user-friendliness. On the other hand, PowerPoint features and capabilities are increasingly becoming outdated, much like every other professional-grade slideshow systems that have been available and been the standard in business since the 1980s. Nowadays, modern apps, most of which are available online provide users more flexibility and greater ability to create better-looking and generally more compelling presentations than what has been traditionally available. These modern apps provide users the means to create, format, edit, and even present slideshows to impress.

While these modern apps do a good job in creating impressive presentations. They still are limited to the traditional slideshow format, which, while proven effective, are simply no longer up to par with what modern audiences are looking for—interactivity and flexibility. Today’s multi-screen presentation software programs and systems have come a long way since the slideshow age. They now offer the ability to generate all types and formats of content, manipulate graphics, and use different kinds of digital elements in order to present ideas more effectively and catch people’s interest as they interact with what’s on the screen. Gone are the days of boring lectures and presentations and software tools like IntuiLab’s IntuiFace help users unlock these possibilities with the help of highly innovative features that allow user-friendly creation of fully interactive multimedia presentations and experiences, without the technical complexities that are usually involved in creating these types of digital content.

IntuiLab is the proprietor of one of today’s leading multi-media presentation systems aptly named, IntuiFace. This world class platform is designed for creating, deploying, and monitoring gorgeous, highly functional, and interactive digital experiences for all kinds of platforms and all kinds of audiences. All these, without the need to write a single line of code—which is exactly what makes IntuiFace the best of its kind in the market today.

Add Interactivity to Your Sales Pitches with Sales Presentation Software from Intuilab

Consumers and clients nowadays are far more difficult audiences than years ago. They take a much more informed purchase path and they navigate through the initial parts of the sales process all on their own. How so? By reading articles, visiting websites, and taking advantage of all forms of social media. This is why they are able to come into your business, more informed than ever. This is why it is important that they get the best impression of your products and services in all your sales channels, especially when meeting them face to face and delivering your sales pitch. One way to ensure success in one of the most critical stages of your sales journey is to create memorable experiences that your target clients will respond to. This is why investing in good sales presentation tools and multimedia software is also an important part of marketing for sales.

Adding interactivity to your sales pitches and presentations increases your ability to engage audiences. Interactive presentations encourage deeper engagement with potential clients as they become more involved in your pitch. With interactive sales presentation software systems like IntuiLab, you can create visually engaging presentation aids and interactive gauges, graphs, scrolling bars, and other moving elements that transform passive listeners into active participants in your presentation. This way, you retain their attention, while giving them the illusion of being in control. 

Interactive presentations made with IntuiLab are great educators that enable and empower your sales reps to deliver better sales pitches. They help convey important messages and key points of the sales pitch in an engaging and memorable manner. This increases your chances of closing the sale by the end of your presentation. Interactive sales pitches turn intimidating one-way sales presentation approaches into two-way, engaging conversations that are more effective in driving home deals.

Leverage the Novelty of Cutting-Edge Technology Through IntuiLab’s Interactive Kiosk Software

The perfect addition to any business or organizational setting, interactive kiosks offer a tangible tool people can interact with on-premise, while accessing the same kind of information and taking advantage of the same conveniences offered by digital resources online. Interactive kiosks offer a long list of lucrative benefits for businesses and with the right tools, you can maximize these advantages while effectively reducing business costs.
IntuiLab’s interactive kiosk software not only simplifies the creation and management of interactive digital experiences, but ensures quality output every time, equipping your touch screen displays with highly effective presentations, digital content, and experiences that increase customer satisfaction and help improve your business’ bottom line. Below are more reasons why you should consider interactive kiosk technology as a lucrative addition to your business or organization:
  • Interactive touch screen kiosks help make in-store visits less cumbersome, delivering more personalized service to consumers. An interactive kiosk not only allows customers to access service and product information that they want and need, but also peruse a business’ online catalogue, should the item you need not be in stock at the moment. Not only does this help engagement, it also increases customer satisfaction, by providing an alternative to the unfulfilled need. This is only one kind of service extension that that touch screen and interactive kiosk technology provide for businesses.
  • Touch screen kiosks also help increase business efficiency by delivering consistently high-quality user experience to consumers throughout its service hours. Compared to actual personnel, an information kiosk is more adept in facilitating transactions, providing information, answering questions, and performing repetitive tasks with consistency in both quality and efficiency. This can definitely affect how consumers perceive and experience your business, which directly impacts their satisfaction in your service delivery. In addition to enhanced business efficiency, this also impacts business overheads, reducing costs as you eliminate the need for more customer service personnel to handle the concerns of your patrons.

IntuiLab Digital Signage – An Essential Gadget for Every Sector that Connects Bricks with Clicks

Digital signs and tools are becoming strongly embedded in the backbone of modern marketing and advertising, especially now that businesses are growing more technologically savvy. Digital signage technology, such as what the pioneering company IntuiLab offers makes interactivity through digital signs possible and accessible even to small businesses that may not have technical expertise in designing and crafting digital experiences, which target audiences crave for. The demand for digital signs is even stronger these days, as more and more consumers become attached to their screens and attracted to things that simulate their interaction.
Digital signs definitely belong to business’ belt of cool tools, not only because of their visual appeal and attention-grabbing qualities, but more importantly because of the value they add to marketing and engagement efforts. Below are ways that digital signage technology benefits businesses:
  • They help secure sale – Marketing is difficult nowadays because of all the noise that businesses need to cut through just to be noticed. Digital signs are perfect tools for self-promotion because they are focused and targeted to consumers who are most likely in a shop or store to buy or get served. They attract attention, engage the potential buyer, and help seal the deal to turn them into actual consumers.
  • They solidify consumer to vendor relationships – With interactive digital signs, consumers feel more engaged, whether they are standing in line or waiting to be served. These screens are perfect tools for targeted messaging where you can advertise special offers or any other promotion, event, or service add-on you want to get out there.
  • They can act as 24/7 sales tools – Well-positioned digital signs are tireless sales reps. They can serve as your round-the-clock sales worker that can store and retrieve all the information your consumers may want to know about your products and services and play all your adverts on loop, even outside of business hours.

IntuiLab Digital Signage for Schools – Taking Teaching and Learning a Step Ahead

Almost 100% of today’s children can be considered digital natives. In essence, students today have never seen a world without computers and the offshoot of such technology. Having been born in a world where computer technology is a fact of life, making use of digital tools and techniques not only is inevitable, but is essential to effective teaching and learning. Welcoming technology into classrooms (and not just for computer-based subjects) is a step toward an even more progressive future because it will appeal to this generation’s innate need for stimulated learning. Interactive educational tools are keys to more dynamic learning experiences and they offer a wide range of exciting benefits in both the teaching and the learning processes:
  • Classroom collaboration – By replacing traditional chalkboards with interactive whiteboards, teachers and students are able to share and present information with ease, while embracing collaboration as an essential part of the learning process. Associated social tools also open the gate to global learning opportunities, while enabling better sharing of resources to students as well as educators around the world.
  • Adaptability and flexibility – Interactive technology allows educators to address students with varying learning styles and needs, helping ensure that their teaching processes and methods are in line with the individual needs of students or groups of students.
  • Better engagement – Ultimately, interactive technology allows for better engagement and increased motivation in the classroom, enabling instructors to gamify lessons or create less intimidating environments for learning even the toughest topics and lessons. IntuiLab’s digital signage solutions and interactive digital content creation platform all work together to provide users with the tools they need to simplify the creation of these kinds of learning environments. These tools allow for easier manipulation of digital teaching and learning assets, resulting in more efficient, engaging, and results-oriented teaching and learning experiences.

Important Aspects of Intuilab’s Real Estate Listing Presentation

Listing presentation is a top skill any real estate professional should learn and master. While there is no specific formula for a fool-proof presentation, knowing what modern clients are looking for in a listing showcase is always a good place to start if you want to succeed in the business. When preparing for a listing presentation, two of the most important things you should focus on are the CMA or competitive market analysis, and your physical listing presentation—which is your greatest tool when making a pitch.

Intuilab’s real estate listing presentation software is packed with features that will help you create powerful presentations to impress and attract clients. With Intuiface, you can design, build, and deploy interactive listings with drag and drop ease, which means access to existing and new information, material, and sources for all your content requirements. The program allows total design freedom by allowing you to use your existing content, including videos, images, documents, and websites to custom create your storyboard, listing design, and overall presentation layout. Another beneficial feature of this real estate listing software is its ability to deploy content globally and on multiple devices, while also enabling users to monitor activity without physically being in satellite locations.   

Effective competitive market analysis, which is an important aspect of real estate listing presentation requires an understanding of the market, the neighborhoods they prefer, the properties they desire, and other details that affect their purchase or sale decision. Intuilab’s real estate listing presentation software offers the ability to collect and track business-relevant data from interactive experiences using interaction events-tracking, location information-capture, user-identification, and more. Connection to these kinds of data sources means more comprehensive competitive market analysis, which can help you create real estate listing presentations that cater to the exacting needs of your target market.

How Effective is Intuilab’s Digital Signage Software for Retailers or Businessmen?

Digital signs provide real-time platforms for multimedia communications in different retail and business settings. They are effective channels for marketing messages, catching consumer’s interest in an attention-grabbing and engaging way. Whether you need to display informative or educational content, provide entertainment in-store, highlight certain products or services, or provide wayfinding solutions to consumers, digital displays and signage solutions offer dynamic possibilities to further enhance retail brands and support different marketing campaigns.

Retail and business environments are constantly changing, and consumers are becoming more particular about customer experience. Keeping up with the demands of increasingly discerning clients requires a deep understanding of the hows and whys of customer engagement. This is exactly what Intuilab is best at. The company has designed one of the most efficient digital signage software used by some of the most successful businesses and organizations across industries. Intuilab’s multitouch digital signage solutions enable businesses to create and measure expressive, interactive and fully connected digital signs within stores and business establishments without writing a single line of code.

Savvy shoppers look for compelling and impressive in-store experiences. By embracing interactive technologies like Intuilab’s Intuiface, you have the power to engage customers deeply by creating a degree of rapport and intimacy that greatly enhances their receptiveness to different kinds of messages and promotional content. By presenting them with engaging and entertaining experiences, you can keep them inside your business premises for longer periods. Digital displays are also excellent platforms for promoting new products as well as service offerings like loyalty programs and special discounts. Interactive digital displays can catch the eyes and grab the attention of customers as no still image can. With the help of attractive on-screen graphics and interactive buttons to push, you can create the point of sale attractions that encourage impulse purchases and upsells.

5 Benefits That You Can Get from An IntuiLab Digital Signage Solution

By incorporating interactivity in your organization, you can reach out to more people and achieve your goals. IntuiLab understands that interactivity is one of the factors that can help an organization thrive these days. Hence, it created a high-quality digital signage solution that can make it easier to embrace technology and the ability to create and measure interactive digital experiences. Known as ‘IntuiFace’, the platform lets you create highly functional and attractive applications for any type of audience. Here are five benefits that you can get out of this digital signage solution by IntuiLab:
  1. No coding expertise needed – An IntuiLab digital signage solution lets you create any interactive experience without writing a line of code. Start with a blank slate or use the samples and templates, which can tweak as you go along. The modern platform has a composer, which lets you have a ‘what you see is what you get’ experience while building your digital signage. Hence, you know exactly what your creations will look like during runtime on your preferred screen. You can drag and drop your files from your file explorer to the composer or get them from the built-in content library.
  2. Use your own content – There is no need to convert certain file formats into common readable formats like JPEG, HTML, and GIF. Leave them be, as IntuiLab’s digital signage solution supports a wide range of images, videos, audio files, and documents. You may include 3D models, YouTube videos, Microsoft Bing maps, and Flash animation, too. There is no need to code interactivity, as all media is automatically treated as interactive.
  3. Freedom to interact with digital experiences – You can interact with the applications using external input devices (i.e., RFID/NFC readers), multi-touch displays, mobile devices, and any other supported connected objects among the Internet of Things.
  4. Easy to connect, deploy, and extend – You can easily connect the user interface to your external data and expand the design to include IOT objects and business logic. You can share experiences with a single URL, and control or update content remotely in real-time.
  5. Track your experiences – The IntuiLab digital signage solution comes with enterprise-class data tracking or analytics to define, gather, and deliver data from any experience to your desired platform. That way, you can easily obtain critical information that can tell you more about the impact and success of your digital campaigns and displays.

Interactive Experience Creation with Intuilab’s Business Presentation Software

Presentations are vital and inevitable in business. Whether it be for training, assemblies, sales, information sharing, engagement, huddles, or board consultations, opportunities for presentations abound in the business world. Ironically, potential clients and employees dread business presentations—especially life-draining slide shows that tend to be a boring waste of time and energy. The cure for these unproductive snooze fests? Engaging in interactive experiences! The key to keeping business presentations productive is making sure that audiences are engaged and interested in what the presenter has to say. Moreover, successful business presentations are those that manage to keep audiences’ eyes upfront and their hands off of their smartphones.

In this day and age of shrinking attention spans and constant distractions, giving an engaging presentation is a masterful art business men has to learn and be good at. Engagement is key to keeping audience attention and few things are better at holding people’s interest than good visual aids. Visual presentations make it much easier to engage audiences. They create a greater impact on listeners than a slideshow of data-mush. The level of engagement that interactive visual presentations provide helps ensure that your message gets across every member of the audience.

Fortunately, creating interactive digital experiences is now as easy as building a slideshow. Intuilab offers an interactive digital presentation platform that enables users to create deeply interactive corporate presentations without the need to learn code. Intuiface is a state of the art business presentation software that combines the simplicity and user-friendliness of Microsoft PowerPoint and the power of Adobe Flash in one cutting edge platform that lets you create enticing, highly functional, and content-specific presentations that audiences will never forget. This program allows you to create presentations using your very own media and incorporate up-to-the-minute content to ensure highly effective and memorable interactive business presentations regardless of your industry.

Fully Functional Interactive Digital Signage Software for Chrome OS by Intuilab

Thanks to manageable cost, excellent performance, ease of use, and low maintenance, Chrome OS is increasingly becoming the go-to digital sign infrastructure option for many enterprises. However, hardware is only half the story when it comes to digital signage solutions. Creating interactive content for your digital kiosks, touch screen displays, and devices is an entirely different ball game and unless you have infinite budget for substantially priced professional services or have enough HTML5 experts at your disposal to take care of your digital content, your digital signage investment may seem like a total waste. Fortunately, Intuilab offers a fully functional interactive digital signage software that can help you create impressive interactive digital signage content for Chrome OS without the need for advanced technical expertise.

Intuilab’s premier platform for creating and deploying digital content and measuring the effectiveness of all your digital signage across your establishment and beyond is also applicable to Chrome OS. It offers the same simplicity, allowing users to build impressive and highly functional applications and digital experiences for audiences without having to write a single line of code. Finished applications can be deployed using a Chrome OS device and any connected object among the Internet of Things.

Chrome OS-run interactive digital signage is ideal to use virtually everywhere. Potential applications include information kiosks in commercial and public establishments, point of sale terminals in retail shops, exhibition displays in art galleries, sales pitch platforms, and even self-service concierge terminals. Digital signage solutions require content that’s fluid and interactive. A new frontier in digital interaction, Intuilab’s digital signage software makes digital interactivity accessible to more people and organizations, enabling users to create beautiful digital content that audiences can interact with and become engaged in, without the technicalities of code-writing and the complexities of creating a fully interactive digital experience.

Accelerate Real Estate Sales and Business with Intuilab’s Listing Presentation Software

Looking for a way to one up your real estate sales and marketing numbers? Take advantage of the new technology to bring unique experiences that your clients won’t get elsewhere! Interactive screens are more ubiquitous than ever and they are the perfect channels through which you can engage target audiences and clients. Touch screen technology armed with interactive digital experiences are best suited for realtors, brokers, property managers, architects, builders, and other real estate professionals who want to make an impact and be remembered in the market.

Intuilab offers a fully equipped listing presentation software built to help real estate professionals accelerate sales and enhance marketing efforts through modern and engaging multi-touch experiences. This highly intuitive platform allows you to create experiences using your own existing digitized content while keeping all the work in-house as the software eliminates the need for complex technical work to achieve the same results as an outsourced service.

Their robust solution provides you with all the tools you need to create different kinds of interactive experiences relevant to your real estate business goals. These include property and collection listings, property and design showcase, map-based property browsing, and even smart home building. With Intuilab’s listing presentation software, you get to capture your prospects’ and your existing clients’ preferences by collecting details about the interest and decisions they express through touch. Design interactive digital presentations and experiences that help you get the pulse on the most popular neighborhoods, properties, price ranges, and other information you need to profile what your clients want and need according to their demographic. Programing these experiences without coding is only one of the many great benefits that this software package offers. With Intuilab, you also have total control of global device deployment so you can run content on different devices anytime and anywhere and monitor their health and effectiveness from where you are.  

Build Gorgeous Highly Functional Presentations with IntuiLab Presentation Software

A presentation’s visual content enhances its effectiveness and helps keep audiences engaged. Holding audience interest is one of the greatest challenges of presenting. Whether you are trying to sell an idea or simply want to get a message across, maintaining audience engagement is something that you should pay attention to. Visual aids break up your message into more digestible pieces while helping audiences retain valuable information. Digital presentation tools are widely available, but not all of them are created equally. The best software products are packed with features that don’t only help you build attractive visuals, but also make your presentations highly functional and interactive.

IntuiLab is one of the pioneers for highly advanced presentation technologies. The company is continuously updating and upgrading their flagship program, IntuiFace, which is a premier tool for creating stunning, fully interactive experiences that help presenters get their message across and audiences to fully grasp what is being conveyed.

The greatest thing about IntuiLab’s presentation software is that it provides users with a highly intuitive and easy to navigate workspace that allows for a quick and efficient creation of interactive, visually appealing presentations using their own data and content. This streamlined workflow is made even better by its simple to learn functions, which means never having to learn complex code systems that old platforms require. This gives you the power to create highly sophisticated presentations without having to write a single line of code.

In addition to giving you control over your content and how it is presented, you can even incorporate real-time, up-to-the-minute information so your presentation is always fresh and relevant. This specially designed software can be used within any and all types of industries and for any and all types of audiences. It offers a unique set of features and functionalities that help you create top-notch presentations for management pitches, new hire training, employee meetings, and all sorts of learning/boardroom environments.

Achieve Your Retail Business Targets with IntuiLab Digital Signage Solution

The addition of digital signage to your retail space can mean great rewards in the long run. With an increasing number of institutions, including banks, hotels, universities, museums, airports, stadiums and public areas putting up digital signs in their own premises, your business will do well-taking advantage of this exceptional technology. First-time users may have lingering reservations about jumping in on the trend, but developers are highly encouraging in achieving retail business targets using digital display solutions, especially now that prices are lower than ever.

Every industry has its unique array of reasons for investing in electronic displays. These high-tech devices are not only attractive to the eye of the public, they likewise promote highly entertaining, informative, and persuasive means to market brands and businesses. Unlike static platforms, digital display screen content is endlessly flexible and is limited only by the data sources, tools, and amount of creativity at your own disposal.

Retailers are among the entities that benefit the most from digital signage interactive solutions. Not only do digital signs help inform and educate target audiences through rich content, this content is also fully customizable so as to tailor the messages being sent to their targeted audience. Digital signs, therefore allow you to communicate directly to customers, using the right messages at an ideal time within their buying cycle.

IntuiLab offers one of the most innovative digital signage solutions in today’s market. IntuiFace provides users with a comprehensive, easy to use and navigate toolset that allows you to create and deploy marketing content that has all the elements of interactivity consumers and target audiences demand. User-friendliness is among the strongest suits of this program, enabling you to make highly adaptable digital display materials across various screens and platforms while allowing complete control over all deployments and collaborations.

A New IntuiLab Retail Digital Signage Technology Makes Trading Easier

In the pockets of your target customers are powerful devices through which you can make your brand, business known and take root. What can be more intimate than reaching your audience through the very devices they keep close 24/7? Consumers today are savvy shoppers who are not only comfortable with advancing technology but have the power to conjure its use whenever they please. Embracing interactive technology is, therefore, a key to providing today's tech-savvy consumers the compelling and engaging customer experience they desire and very much deserve.

With interactive technology, it is possible to create B2C intimacy, which not only increases trust but improves receptiveness to new messages and promotions thrown your audiences’ way. Deeper customer interaction also breeds greater loyalty, which you can further use to tailor your programs and offerings to each patron. All this is made even stronger-a-strategy with the help of retailing tools that set the stage for a more compelling customer experience.

Whatever it is that you wish to say, show, or sell, will be brought in front of your target audience in the most engaging manner with the help of digital interactivity. IntuiLab has been providing businesses and commercial institutions with the technology they need to ensure attractive, functional, and highly interactive retail display signs within their places of business. The company has developed and is continuing to improve one of the most comprehensive interactive digital signage and solutions to date. IntuiFace is a multifaceted interactive digital content suite largely used by businesses, the academe, and many such institutions to bring engaging interactive experiences to all sorts of audiences. In the retail setting, IntuiFace can be applied to create the most efficient and practical interactive experiences for patrons, ranging from digital signage displays for promotional announcements to price checking kiosks, and other interactive aisle experiences, all of which contribute to overall customer satisfaction and ultimately, business bottom line.