Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Get High Performance and Easy to Install Digital Signage for Chrome Offered by IntuiLab

IntuiLab bridges the gap between businesses that don’t have technical expertise or the resources for expensive professional interactive app development services. And, also for customer satisfaction through impressive and highly functional interactive digital experiences. With IntuiFace, businesses can now maximize the use of their digital signage infrastructure and provide their customers with digital experiences that set their brand apart from like businesses. The best thing about this platform is its versatility, providing extensive compatibility to some of the most popular and widely used digital signage systems in the market today. Chrome OS for one, is a low-cost, high-performance, easy to use, install, and maintain digital signage system that you can use in conjunction with IntuiFace for deploying interactive digital experiences for your customers.

A premier platform for designing, creating, distributing, and measuring interactive digital signage experiences, IntuiFace offers digital signage for Chrome OS support, thus enabling you to build gorgeous, intuitive, and highly functional digital experiences and applications that your audiences and consumers can interact with. Installing IntuiFace Player on your Google Chrome device is as easy as adding it to your Kiosk or device applications and saving your changes. If you have an experience using player on other platforms, adapting to IntuiFace on Chrome will be easy as the user experience is identical to iOS, Windows, and Android.

Chrome OS Player is readily available for Chrome OS devices including Chromebooks (laptops that are ideal for use by students and sales force members), Chromeboxes (cost-efficient interactive digital signage infrastructure devices with large touch displays), and Chromebase devices (all in one devices that can be used as interactive kiosks). With support for all these devices, options for digital signage deployment are virtually endless when you invest in IntuiFace for Chrome OS. Chrome OS Player is also readily available for download in the Chrome Web Store for installation and launch in the above-mentioned Chrome OS devices.

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