Tuesday, 13 March 2018

IntuiLab Digital Signage for Schools – Taking Teaching and Learning a Step Ahead

Almost 100% of today’s children can be considered digital natives. In essence, students today have never seen a world without computers and the offshoot of such technology. Having been born in a world where computer technology is a fact of life, making use of digital tools and techniques not only is inevitable, but is essential to effective teaching and learning. Welcoming technology into classrooms (and not just for computer-based subjects) is a step toward an even more progressive future because it will appeal to this generation’s innate need for stimulated learning. Interactive educational tools are keys to more dynamic learning experiences and they offer a wide range of exciting benefits in both the teaching and the learning processes:
  • Classroom collaboration – By replacing traditional chalkboards with interactive whiteboards, teachers and students are able to share and present information with ease, while embracing collaboration as an essential part of the learning process. Associated social tools also open the gate to global learning opportunities, while enabling better sharing of resources to students as well as educators around the world.
  • Adaptability and flexibility – Interactive technology allows educators to address students with varying learning styles and needs, helping ensure that their teaching processes and methods are in line with the individual needs of students or groups of students.
  • Better engagement – Ultimately, interactive technology allows for better engagement and increased motivation in the classroom, enabling instructors to gamify lessons or create less intimidating environments for learning even the toughest topics and lessons. IntuiLab’s digital signage solutions and interactive digital content creation platform all work together to provide users with the tools they need to simplify the creation of these kinds of learning environments. These tools allow for easier manipulation of digital teaching and learning assets, resulting in more efficient, engaging, and results-oriented teaching and learning experiences.

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