Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Get IntuiLab’s Multi-Touch Screen Software for Interactive Digital Signage

With modern audiences always looking for engagement, it is not surprising why interactive digital signs are such sought after tools in business and public environments. The digital screen has become a familiar, highly efficient medium for audiences. What started as static display now has the ability and power to draw people in and provide them with memorable experiences that enhance their customer journey. In the past, creating content for multi-touch displays meant a huge investment in equipment, software, and personnel training. Today, however, multi-touch screen software solutions make it easier for users and business owners to maximize the use of their interactive displays without the high cost of content creation. IntuiLab is a pioneering company known for bringing one of the world’s best premier multi-touch screen software programs, designed to streamline and simplify content creation for interactive digital signs.

With IntuiLab’s IntuiFace software, you can create, deploy, and run interactive digital content on virtually any device, allowing you to create uniform experiences across various platforms to make sure all consumers are getting the same level and quality of service however they may choose to interact with your business.

Digital signs help increase audience engagement, while giving you complete control of what you want them to see and experience. At the same time, you also put your audiences in the driver’s seat as they navigate their way through the digital experience you have created for them. An interactive digital display is an excellent tool for empowering people to engage with your business, learn about your services, and explore what you have to offer in an entertaining, rewarding, and meaningful manner. This strengthens customer loyalty, while increasing interest and encouraging further engagement, and even greater sales as they go deeper into the interactive experience. This is the kind of power your business has with innovative tools like IntuiFace.

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